What Is a 'Metoo' in Golf?

You can think of the "metoo" (as in "me, too") as a sort of a mulligan on steroids. A mulligan in golf is a do-over: If your group is playing mulligans, and you get one mulligan per nine holes, then you can play one stroke over per nine. But if your group is playing "metoos," then you get to claim another golfer's shot as your own.

Another golfer in your group just hit one of the best drives you've ever seen? "Me, too!" you say, and, just like that, you get to use that golfer's drive as your own.

Your buddy sinks a long putt for birdie? "Me, too!" you cry out, and just like that you've holed out on that green, too.

Note that "metoo" is often spelled "me-too" or "me too," or "meetoo," and when they are in use groups call them by the plural "metoos" or "metoo's."

So a metoo is just something that a group of golfers can add to their round as an extra twist, just like a group of golfers might agree to use mulligans.

And just like when using mulligans, you need to all agree before the round how many me-toos are available to each golfer during the round. Most commonly, groups limit metoos to just one use per golfer per round, or limit them to one metoo per nine. But it's up your group to make that decision. You can use 10 of them if you want! Or you can give higher-handicap golfers more metoo's and lower-handicap golfers fewer of them.

You can also set limits on how metoos can be used. One of the examples we gave above was a golfer holing a long putt and another golfer using his me-too to claim that hole-out for himself, as well. Don't want anyone to be able to use metoos on holed putts? Then the golfers in your group just need to agree to that stipulation.

And if you use a metoo on someone's drive or approach or chip? Just pick up your ball and move it to where that other player's ball finished, and play your next stroke from there.

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