How to Play the Rotation Golf Game

In the golf game named Rotation, a group of four golfers takes turns playing each stroke: Golfer A plays, then B, then C and D, then back to A. But there's a twist: Each golfer has only one club, and must use that club for every stroke played.

Rotation is a game for four-person groups. It's easy to see just in the brief description so far that Rotation will take longer to play than a typical round of golf, so take that into account when choosing when and where to play this game.

Rotation begins with each member of your foursome choosing a club. Let's say, just as an example, that Golfer A selects driver, Golfer B chooses 5-iron, Golfer C chooses 8-iron and Golfer D chooses putter. (Each golfer much choose a different club.) That's it: Those are the only clubs each golfer can use during the game.

Golfer A tees off Hole 1 with the driver. Golfer B plays the second stroke with his 5-iron, and C plays the third stroke with his 8-iron. Golfer D then plays the fourth stroke with the putter.

Straightforward. What's the catch? Let's say the first hole is a par-3, and your foursome pars it. Now Golfer D has to tee off on Hole 2 ... using putter! Or maybe the first hole is a par-4 and your group reaches the putting surface on its fourth stroke. Now Golfer A has to putt using the driver, and Golfer B might also have to putt using the 5-iron.

The rotation continues A-B-C-D, A-B-C-D throughout the round, regardless of whether you are on the green, teeing off or anywhere in-between. At the end of the round, the group with the lowest score wins.

Which clubs should a foursome choose? Probably not the ones we used in our example! Drivers and putters are specialty clubs, and it's difficult to play shots with them other than those they are intended for. So choose clubs with much more versatility.

Golf associations and leagues that use the Rotation format typically play it over nine holes.

More golf formats:

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