How Old Was Tiger Woods When He Had His First Hole-in-One?

Tiger Woods accomplished a lot in golf at a very young age, including making his national television debut before the age of three. But how old was he when scored his first hole-in-one?

That's an interesting question, because Woods himself appears to have misremembered the answer. The correct answer is that Tiger was six years old at the time of his first ace. But once, while conducting a clinic, Woods told those in attendance that he was eight years old when he made his first ace, and so if you search the Web you'll find that age mentioned a lot.

Woods' first hole-in-one happened on May 12, 1982. He was born on December 30, 1975, so he was six years old at the time of his first hole-in-one.

That first ace happened at Heartwell Golf Course in Long Beach, California. Heartwell is a 2,143-yard par-3 course with a par of 54. It is very much still around today, if you want to take a crack at it yourself.

Related: Tiger's career total of holes-in-one and all his PGA Tour aces

In 2018, conducting a clinic, Woods described what happened on that first ace:

"So the ball carries the bunker, it rolls into the hole. Everybody in my group celebrates but me. I can't see that high. So, one of the guys picks me up, shows me there's no ball on the green. I'm excited — I run to the green, pick the ball out of the hole and I'm celebrating. And the kids came down and said 'you idiot, your golf bag's up on the tee.' So I had to go back up and get my golf bag."
You can watch video of Woods talking about that first ace here. One of the other things Woods says in that video is, "I was eight years old." But we already know from the date (which is included in the official timeline of Woods' golf achievements that appears on that Woods was actually six years old. Hey, when you've accomplished as much as Tiger, it's easy to lose track of things! (Or to simply misspeak when talking off the top of one's head.)

We also know beyond any question that Woods got his age wrong when he said "eight" because of contemporaneous newspaper accounts. For example, in an Orange County Register article from 1982, this appears:

"At 6, Tiger has already scored a hole-in-one, at Heartwell Park in Long Beach, on the 85-yard 12th hole, using an 8-iron."
So: The answer to the question, "How old was Tiger Woods when he made his first hole-in-one" is "six years old." It happened on May 12, 1982, at Heartwell Golf Course in Long Beach, California.

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