What Does It Mean to 'Overclub' in Golf?

If you are just a casual golfer, or casual golf fan, you might not be familiar with the term "overclub" or its meaning. "Overclub" is a word we sometimes hear on broadcasts of golf tournaments, or that one golfer might use describing his own shot or another golfer's shot. What does it mean?

"Overclub" or "overclubbing" means that a golfer used a longer golf club than was necessary for the shot. To put it another way, the golfer chose a club that produced more distance — that hits the golf ball farther — than he should have.

Let's say a golfer faces a 150-yard shot. The golfer normally hits a 7-iron 150 yards. But this time he pulls a 6-iron. And then he hits the ball too far, over the green. That golfer overclubbed.

If you use a 3-hybrid when you should have used a 4-hybrid, you overclubbed. If you use a 9-iron when you should have used a pitching wedge, you overclubbed. The result of overclubbing is hitting the ball farther than intended.

Overclubbing is the opposite of underclubbing. Overclubbing can also be referred to as hitting "too much club." (See the related terms "more club" and "taking more club.")

Overclubbing happens even in pro golf, among the best golfers in the world with the best caddies in the world. So it happens commonly in recreational golf, too. Among recreational golfers, though, underclubbing is a more common problem than overclubbing.

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