The Two Clubs and a Putter Game Explained

There are many golf games that limit the number of clubs a golfer can use during a round. The game named Two Clubs and a Putter is one of them, but with a twist: Players are limited to using just two clubs plus their putter, but get to pick different clubs on each hole.

Games like Three Club Monte, Five of Clubs and 14 Clubs restrict golfers to the use of only a few of their clubs during a round. But Two Clubs and Putter limits each golfer to just that — their putter, plus two clubs of their choice — on a hole-by-hole basis. New hole, new choice of clubs.

Two Clubs and a Putter begins on the tee with each golfer picking two clubs out of their bag. (You don't have to remove the putter since it's a given in this game.) Maybe the first hole is a short par-4, and you are convinced you'll hit a good drive and be able to pitch it onto the green. So you pull driver and pitching wedge. Now, no matter what happens on the hole, those are the only clubs you can use on the hole until reaching the green (remember, your putter is a given). If you pop-up your drive short and into the left rough and have 200 yards to the green on your second shot, your driver and pitching wedge (in this example) are your only options for playing that next shot.

When you finish the first hole, put those clubs back in your bag. When you get to the second tee, pick two clubs based on how the second hole sets up for you. And that is the pattern you follow throughout the round in Two Clubs and a Putter.

Two Clubs and Putter can be played by four golfers competing against each other in stroke play. Or it can be played as a 2-person, 3-person or 4-person team format. When 4-person teams are used, it is most common for the two low balls on each hole to be combined for the team score.

Once you've selected your two clubs (plus putter) for a hole, you cannot change them during play of that hole. And if playing as part of a team, there is no sharing of clubs between golfers.

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