How to Play a Get Out Scramble

Have you heard of the team golf tournament format called Get Out? Get Out is a type of scramble in which teams that fail to meet the scoring standard are told to get out of the tournament.

A Get Out Scramble works like this: If your scramble team of four makes a bogey, your team is out of the tournament. That's it. Make a bogey, get out. It's important for a Get Out Scramble to consist of four-person teams, because bogeys are not common (especially if tournament organizers say to use handicaps) in a scramble with teams of four.

Who wins? The team that makes it farthest around the course without having to "get out." In the event that multiple teams are able to complete the full round — which is likely in a full-field scramble tournament — then the team with the lowest score is the winner.

If a team has to "get out," does that team literally walk off the golf course? That's up to tournament organizers. It can be the case that your team stops playing when it makes a bogey. But golfers who pay money to enter a tournament probably want to keep playing golf, and many tournament organizers allow that — a team that makes bogey doesn't literally stop playing, but is merely excluded from competing for any prizes or placements.

(You remember how a basic scramble works, right? All four team members tee off. The best drive is selected, and all team members play their second strokes from that spot. Then the best of the second shots is selected, and all play their third strokes from that spot. And so on until a ball is holed.)

So, to recap: In a Get Out Scramble, four-person teams play the standard scramble format, but if a team makes a bogey it is out of the competition.

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