Golf Games, Formats and Side Bets: How to Play 'Em

Golf is full of side games and competition formats, hundreds of possibilities for a group of buddies or a field of tournament players. What you'll find here are explanations of hundreds of those games.

How do you play an Arizona Shuffle, Canadian Foursomes or Zookeeper? Barkies, Arnies or Chippies? Those and dozens and dozens more betting games and tournament formats are explained in this Golf Games Dictionary. And here are a couple related articles that might come in handy for tournament players or golf gamblers: How to Decide Playing Order on the First Tee, and Scorecard Playoffs: How to Break Ties.

But what if you want a collection of golf game definitions in hard copy? We'll start by offering a few book recommendations, and then get into the alphabetically organized glossary below.

Recommended Books on Golf Games

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Glossary of Golf Games, Bets and Tournament Formats

This Golf Games Glossary is a work in progress with new formats frequently added.


14 Clubs12-Point Game21 (Twenty-One)24-Second Clock2-By-42 Clubs and a Putter2-1-12-2-23-Club Challenge (3-Club Monte)3 In 13 Blind Mice3 Little Pigs3-Point Game3-Putt Poker3-2 (3/2)30 Balls4-Ball Aggregate4-Point Game40 Balls50/505 of Clubs5-3-158 (Fifty-Eight) - 59 (Fifty-Nine) - 6 In 606-Point Game16 Points


ABCDAcey Ducey (Aces and Deuces)Air PressAmbrose ScrambleAmerican FoursomesArizona ShuffleArniesAppearancesAuto Win


Back It UpBag RaidBarkiesBattle GolfThe BearBeat the ProBeat the WorstBest at SomethingBest DriveBest HolesBest NinesBig FishBig StickBingle Bangle BungleBisqueBisque StrokeBlackjackBlind BogeyBlind NineBobby JonesBogey or BustBoo HandicapBounce BackBowmakerBox TournamentBridgeBridgee (Bridges)BuckshotBus DriverBuy the ProBye


Caddy ShackCanadian FoursomesChairmanChapman System (Chapman Scoring)Chasing the BearChicagoChippiesChokerCircle HoleThe Clock (Clock Golf)CloseoutC.O.D.Cone GameCrenshawsCriers and WhinersCubeCut Throat

D - E

DaytonaDefenderDerbyDesignated HitterDisasterDots (the Dot Game)Drop Out GameDuckDuffer's DefenseDunce CapEliminatorEnglish


Fairways and GreensFairways to HeavenFavorite HolesFensomesFerretFifty/FiftyFishFishiesFive of ClubsFlaggiesFlagsticksFlapsFoot WedgesFort LauderdaleForty BallsFour-Ball AggregateFour HorsemenFour-Point GameFourteen ClubsFroggiesFuryk (58)


GeibergerGet Out ScrambleGolden FerretGotchas (Gotcha)GreeniesGritty ParGruesomes


Hard WorkHate 'EmHerman and ShermanHigh-LowHogHogan (Hogans or Hogies)HollywoodHonest JohnHonorsHorse Race

I - J - K

In the BucketIn the ChairInvisible ManIrons OnlyJack and JillJoker StablefordJoker's WildKnockout Stroke Play


LaggingLast Man StandingLegendsLet It RideLone RangerLong and ShortLongest YardLow Ball-High BallLow Ball/Low TotalLow PuttsLuck of the DrawLucky Sevens


Man In the BoxMarshmallow Long DriveMaxwell FormatMiami ScrambleMiddle TwelvesMiseryMix and MatchMolesMoney BallMulligan and Recall (Mulligan/Recall)Murphy (Murphies)Mutt and Jeff

N - O

NastiesNicklausesNinesNo AlibisNo PuttsN.O.S.E.Odd FellowsOdds and EvensOne-Person Captain's ChoiceOn In TwoOozles and FoozlesOut-In-Total


Par Or OutPatsome (Patsomes)PerfectoPick Up SticksPinnie (Pinnies)Play It Again, SamPokerPoleePoleyPortuguese CaddiePro for HireProxy ContestPutt for DoughPutting Syndicate (Putting Skins)

Q - R

Random Club ChallengeRansomRed Tee RallyRed, White and BlueReverse ScrambleRinger Score/Ringer RoundRinger TournamentRotationRound RobinRussian Stableford


SaviesScruffiesScuffiesSecond ChanceSelected ScoreSeve (Seve's)Shark (Sharkies)ShazamShootoutSixesSix in 60Six-Point Game (6 Points)SplashiesSplit SixesSt. Andrews FoursomesStealiesStrike ThreeStymiesSucker in the BucketSupplemental BetsSwitch


T&F (T and F)Taft SystemT-E-NThirty BallsThree In OneThree Blind MiceThree Club Monte (3-Club Challenge)Three Little PigsThree-Point GameThree-Putt PokerThreesomesThree-TwoTic-Tac-ToeTin WhistleTombstoneThe TrainTrifectaTriplesTroubleTwelves (12-Point Game)Two Clubs and a Putter

U - V - W - X - Y - Z

UgliesUmbrellaUmbriagoVarious ParsWaltzWhack and HackWin, Place and ShowWolfmanWoodiesWoof HandicapWorst Ball ScrambleYellowsomesZookeeper

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